EPA LT2 Cryptosporidium – EAL

Environmental Associates Ltd. is a microbiology laboratory founded in 1987 to provide world wide service for protozoan and virus testing with NELAP certification and holds United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approval for Methods 1622/1623 for Giardia and Cryptosporidium analysis for the EPA Long Term 2 Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2 rule).  We can assist with microbial services including:

  1. Lab analysis for Giardia and Cryptosporidium with water and wastewater
  2. Lab analysis for total culturable viruses
  3. Microscopic Particulate Analysis (MPA) for ground water ( GWUDI ) and filtration evaluation
  4. On-Site pilot plant studies and sampling test services.
  5. Many more specialty microbiology analysis and consultation
  6. Homeowner water well testing in Ithaca, NY region.

Environmental Associates specializes in validation studies and other special projects.  EAL is always looking for new interesting projects. To learn more about how we can help you with your laborartory/research needs, please contact us at 607-272-8902, or info@eal-labs.com
