Scientists suspect that parts of the San Joaquin Valley have started to sink again after years of stability, a troubling development that geologists say can be traced to increased pumping of groundwater. ….
Tag: Microscopic particulate analysis
General Microbiology Services
EAL is approved for protozoan and virus testing through NELAP and holds approval for Methods 1622/1623 for Giardia and Cryptosporidium for the LT2 through EPA. We can assist with microbial services including:
1. Analyses for Giardia and Cryptosporidium with water and wastewater
2. Analyses for total culturable viruses
3. Microscopic Particulate Analysis (MPA) for ground water and filtration evaluation
4. On-Site pilot plant studies and sampling services
5. Many more specialty microbiology analysis and consultation
Drinking Water Analysis
- Cryptosporidium, EPA 1623
- Enteric viruses, EPA/600/R-95/178, s. VIII
- Giardia, EPA 1623
- Coliform, Total / E. coli (Qualitative) Colilert
- E. coli (Enumeration) Colilert
- Standard Plate Count SM 18-21 9215B
- Microscopic particulate analysis EPA 910/9-92-029