Environmental Associates Ltd.

Environmental Associates Ltd. is a family-owned business, where we believe in making our customer
#1. Here are a few quick points about EAL.

Environmental Associates Ltd. offers a variety of microbiological laboratory, research and consulting
services, and EAL is NELAP certified.

EPA – Deadline for Schedule 4 Systems Sept 2009

 Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule:  Schedule 4 Systems ( EPA LT2 )

No Later than this September 2009, systems that were required to monitor their source water for E. coli must complete their intial round of source water monitoring.

EPA LT2 Certification

EPA LT2 Certification
January 25. 2006
EPA Lab Code: NY01507

Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water
Standards and Risk Management Division


Now that the Long Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment (1.12) Rule has been signed, your laboratory’s status under the Cryptosporidium Laboratory QA Program has changed from “‘pending approval” to “approved.”  Only approved laboratories may analyze Cryptosporidium samples for 1.12 monitoring. In order to maintain approval, your laboratory musl continue ils participation in EPA’s Proficiency Testing (PT) program. EPA may also conduct follow-up audits of laboratories to ensure thai they continue to meet the requirements of the fab QA Program. Please nole that all Cryptosporidium analyses conducted during the 1.12 rule monitoring period musl be performed using ihe updated 2005 versions of Method 1622 or Method 1623.

EAL FLDOH NELAP Certifications

Florida Department of Health Laboratory Scope of Accreditation
EPA Lab Code: NY01507   Florida State Laboratory ID: E87851

Drinking Water

  • Cryptosporidium, EPA 1623
  • Enteric viruses, EPA/600/R-95/178, s. VIII
  • Giardia, EPA 1623
  • Microscopic particulate analysis EPA 910/9-92-029

Non-Potable Water

  • Cryptosporidium EPA 1623
  • Giardia EPA 1623


  • Fecal coliforms EPA 1680
  • Helminth ova EPA 600/1-87-014
  • Enteric viruses, ASTM D4994-89

EAL FL Cert July 01 2015 to June 30 2016